• Culture

Collective of Australian photographers raising funds for civilians in Gaza

Agender, a collective of female and non-binary photographers launches Photographs for Peace

Agender, acollective of Australian female and non-binary photographers has launched an affordable art charity print campaign, raising funds for Médecins Sans Frontières and Save the Children.

As Israel’s war on Gaza surpasses 100 days, 35 of Australia’s leading and emerging female photographers have collaborated by donating their work.

“It’s a collective effort to turn empathy into tangible assistance in the face of an overwhelming humanitarian crisis, says Agender co-founder Angela Liang.

“Everyone has come on board for different reasons, but the underlying commonality is always a desire to contribute their work to make a difference, however small or large; to make a meaningful impact beyond their usual practice.’’

The campaign features a diverse range of genres, from fine art to documentary, with prints usually valued between $300 to $5,000+ or not available at all; at an accessible price of $70 + shipping.

All proceeds above basic printing costs and payment processing fees will go to Médecins Sans Frontières and Save the Children, dedicated to saving lives and supporting children and their families in crisis.

Pic by Alex Vaughan

Work by Alex Vaughan

Milos by Elise Hassey

Work by Elise Hassey

“The war in Gaza is harrowing. Every day, people are puttig their lives on the line to save others. I hope that our work as photographers and artists can contribute, even in some small way, to two organisations that are working tirelessly on the front lines.” says photographer Alex Vaughan.

The initiative, beyond fundraising, seeks to foster solidarity and shared responsibility in a 􏰀me of overwhelming hopelessness and helplessness.

“We live in such a content heavy world, and it can feel tough to constantly produce images and content that are not helping or saving any lives,” says Emily May Gunawan, a participating artist.

Artwork by Emily May Gunawan

Work by Emily May Gunawan

Kalbarri by Cybele Malinowski

Work by Cybele Malinowski

The charity exhibition is also aimed to inspire some beauty, and reflection amongst the relentlessness of the news cycle.

Photographs for Peace launches on 19 January 2024. Every dollar raised above basic print costs and payment processing fees is donated directly to the charities.

Supporters can sign up for launch and preview the artworks here:


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