Image Nicole Honeywill/Unsplash
- Culture
Our top 4 reusable items that make an impact
You don’t need to go 100 per cent plastic free to make a difference
If there’s one thing Plastic Free July has taught us it’s that plastic is everywhere. From food and online shopping to racing out to pick up some lunch, we’re surrounded by the stuff. Although it sometimes seems impossible to make a difference, there are ways you can considerably reduce your waste, and it all starts with these four items.
Fold up bag
We all know we should be taking out reusable bags to do the shopping but what about those moments you get caught short? A fold up bag is an awesome solution. Simply keep one in your regular handbag and you’ll never need another plastic bag again.
Reusable coffee cup
Yep, there’s a reason we keep banging on about reusable coffee cups and it’s because they’re just SO good! Keep it visible on your kitchen benchtop or table, or near your keys. That way you’ll always remember one when you run out the door. We highly recommend keeping a spare at home too in case you have visitors or one needs washing up.
Reusable straw
It’s really easy to say yes to a straw and think that it’s no big deal but did you know that world-wide, millions of straws are used each day? Saying no to them is just as easy. Just like your fold up bag a reusable straw takes up zero room in your bag. This one small switch makes a mighty difference.
Water bottle
With the growing number of fill-your-own water stations popping up in parks and even airports, and the willingness of cafes and stores to refill your bottle for free there’s really no excuse to buy a single-use plastic water bottle again. Having a reusable water bottle with you is a great reminder to stay hydrated and it’s one of the easiest changes to get used to. Just like your coffee cup, keep it in sight, or leave in your bag to make sure you keep it with you. And we guarantee, once you’re converted you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one.