Yoga instructor Tamara Ogilvie
- Culture
How to simplify your life, according to a yoga teacher
Tamara Ogilvie’s daily rituals promise to create more hours in your day
How many times have you wished there were more hours in the day? When you’re trying to juggle work, family, friends, eating healthily, exercising and getting your eight hours of sleep, life can suddenly feel very hectic. As it turns out, the best way to combat these feelings of ‘’busy-ness” is create a daily routine, take the time to breathe and learn to say no. Here’s how Yogala director Tamara Ogilvie simplifies her days.
Tamara suggests rising at the same time everyday with the same rituals. She wakes at 4.30am – which makes our eyes water to be honest – but assures us any time is OK, consistency is what’s important.
“I rise every morning at 4.30am, prepare tea, shower, practice yoga, meditate and then join the family for brekkie,’’ she says.
“All done at roughly the same time and in the same way as the day before. It creates a sense of rhythm that carries me along.’’
Often when we need tools like yoga and meditation the most, we practice them the least, Tamara says.
“ The irony is the more time you afford meditation, the more space it opens up via clarity of thinking, energy and our ability to both cope and thrive. You really do gain from what you put in,’’ she says.
Tamara also recommends taking time out during the day to focus on your breath.
“Twice a day, close your eyes for two minutes and deepen your breathing. Much like meditation, taking time out to practice stillness ironically opens up loads more head space,’’ she says.
When you feel like you’re stuck in the daily grind, Tamara suggests scheduling an activity that brings you joy.
“Make time for activities you love. It might be a bush walk, watching the waves or even a bath. It will change your mindset,’’ she says.
It’s not just kids who need limited screen time, adults do too. Tamara says links between anxiety, disturbed sleep and reduced concentration are enough to warrant breaks from technology, especially before bed time.
“Instill techno-free zones for yourself – no screens for example from 7pm to 8am, or even a whole day each week without a phone or any screens altogether. What you miss will be made up for by what you gain in spaciousness,’’ she says.
Routines – like morning routines, chore rosters and meal plans – help reduce unnecessary cognitive load.
“We have staple meals we cook on rotation. We mix it up with a meal out once a week or a dish we’ve had a hankering for. The sameness of those meals actually lightens the cognitive load of grocery shopping’’ Tamara says.
“I have similar versions of the same black on black outfit, and we have a family roster for pick up and drop off at school. All this frees up thinking space.’’