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The top 5 green brands in your local supermarket
Take the guesswork out of your weekly supermarket shop with our top pick of natural brands
You’re on autopilot, cruising the supermarket aisle, grabbing your brands of choice, when suddenly you remember you were going to look for green or eco friendly alternatives this week. You start reading labels and it becomes too confusing with claims of green, organic and eco splashed across every second product, so you revert to your usual choice. Sound familiar? Don’t despair, we’ve done the research, tried the products, and come up with a list of favourites that are good for you (and the planet), and also happen to work.
One of our favourites, Ecostore has a health first philosophy, which means their main focus is on creating good-for-you products. They’re also cruelty free and safe for the environment. Plus they are totally transparent about all their ingredients, listing them in full on their website, which frustratingly is not a legal requirement in Australia.
We love: their dishwasher tablets and laundry detergent
Little Innoscents
This company is a feel-good all-rounder. Its baby products are certified 100 per cent organic, they are Australian made and cruelty free. Plus they’ve recently been accredited as a B Corporation, which means they meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.
We love: their new range of dishwashing detergents and baby wipes
Thank You
When you buy any of Thank You’s products 100 per cent of the profit goes towards ending world poverty. The social enterprise funds individual projects that include providing safe drinking water, maternal and baby care and much-needed food to poverty stricken communities around the world. If that’s not enough to get you over the line, their products are better for environment than their mainstream equivalents and while they aren’t there yet, they are well on their way to being completely natural too.
We love: their hand sanitiser and slimline nappies made from sustainably sourced chlorine-free wood pulp
Tom Organic & Tooshies by Tom
Tom Organic pads and tampons are made from 100 per cent certified organic cotton, as are their nappies and wipes. They are also biodegradable (hooray) which means a softer impact on landfill. We love their messaging of supporting women during important milestones in their lives.
We love: their monthly subscription service.
Organic Choice
Supported by Planet Ark, Organic Choice produces good-for-you air fresheners and dishwashing liquids . Their sensitive range is approved by the National Asthma Council Australia’s Sensitive Choice program. All products, which include a laundry powder, stain remover and surface cleaner are free from palm oil, optical brighteners, synthetic fragrances and dyes.
We love: the dishwashing liquid