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Recipe; Raspberry and ginger muffins

Gluten-free, dairy-free and grain-free muffins – that actually taste good

By Alice Gruzman

Taste-tested on my two-year old, these raspberry and ginger muffins prove we can have our (guilt-free) cake and eat it too!

This recipe makes six large muffins


150g almond meal

150g coconut milk

75g coconut sugar

2 organic eggs

1-2 teaspoons ground ginger (powder) 

1/4 cup raspberries – I use frozen and  warm them up on the stove top for a couple of minutes 

1 tsp gluten-free baking powder


  1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees celsius 
  2. Throw all ingredients except raspberries and eggs in together – either in a mixing bowl or a thermomix if you have one, until all ingredients are combined. Mix the eggs in last. 
  3. Either fold the raspberry into the mix or add a blob in the middle and on top 
  4. Throw in the oven for 30 minutes.  Voila, afternoon tea is sorted!


Alice Gruzman is a holistic health coach and mum of three living in Sydney 

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