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Magdalena Roze on living a simple life

From nourishing her children to finding her ‘tribe’, Magdalena Roze’s life in Byron Bay is just as idyllic as you’d imagine

Looking back on her 3am mornings and 18-hour days in the world of television, Magdalena Roze says it was so consuming she almost forgot about what actually makes her happy. When an opportunity presented itself for her partner, chef Darren Robertson to start his own restaurant, The Farm in Byron Bay, Magdalena says it was pure gut instinct that propelled them on their way.

“I didn’t really think about the impact it would have on my life and career, and in retrospect it was the best decision we’ve made. It really does feel like home and it’s been amazing for my career,’’ she says.

Magdalena, who recently gave birth to her second son with Robertson, is the first to admit the transition was difficult initially, but after falling pregnant a few months after the move; life became more focussed.

“My biggest struggle in the first few months was I lacked purpose, I had lived such a busy fast-paced life in television, I didn’t know what to do with myself, I struggled a bit with that until I fell pregnant which allowed me to surrender to what we’d been doing, to tap into living a nourishing life.’’

When we speak she’s in the car on her way to Noosa to host a food event. Since those first uncertain months she’s added mother, emcee, podcaster, and author (her cookbook Happy & Whole is out now) to her CV, which already included meteorologist , TV presenter and environmental conservationist.


How has your life changed since moving to Byron?

My career has diversified organically; it fits in perfectly with having a family. I find it incredibly satisfying. It shows that sometimes you have to take a risk and challenge yourself and be willing to try new things and test the boundaries.

Has becoming a mother changed your lifestyle and outlook?

Being a mother is my number one priority. Falling pregnant with Archie shifted what was important to me, it changed the way I was living my life. Because you are nourishing someone else other than you, you start to think about the products you are using, the food you are eating. Being in Byron I learned so much about living a natural and simpler life.


Do you like to buy natural home and beauty products?

The things I can change, I have, but I am by no means a purist, I still use some mainstream products, for example I haven’t been able to find a natural shampoo and conditioner that is amazing. I don’t think it’s about overhauling your life, it’s about making small changes.

Do you have a natural skincare routine?

I have really toned things down when it comes to skincare and haircare, and it’s taken a long time! Everyone here is makeup free which is so refreshing. First I cleanse with coconut oil to remove grease and grime. Then a natural cleanser, at the moment I use REN. Next I use a bit of rosehip oil or coconut oil for moisture . . . I really like coconut oil as a lip balm too. We all use fragrance-free Gaia body wash and for deodorant I use Biologika roll on or Black Chicken Remedy paste.

Favourite natural perfume?

I have a little bottle of an essential oil blend that I rub on my wrist or my neck. Rose oil is my favourite. I also have a blend of calming oils.

If you were still living in Bondi, how would you look at simplifying your life?

When we were in Bondi, Daz and I turned our unused space into a veggie garden, Suddenly the other people in the apartment building started watering it when we were away. We got to know the people in the building, we encouraged everyone to take what they wanted, and then it was also somewhere people could put their compost. It just shows you can create little gems of community and nature no matter where you live. It was such a nice part of living in an otherwise congested area.


Last thing you bought?

A rug from We are Pampa. It’s a beautiful Argentinian wool rug we borrowed for a shoot. I couldn’t stop thinking about it so I saved up to get it. It is one of those pieces for life. I like to buy quality, buy to last.

What’s your ideal day?

We all have brekkie together either porridge or pancakes, then go for coffee and do the crossword (and hopefully Archie is in the mood for playing next to us). Then we go home and put Archie to sleep. I might start cooking lunch or dinner. Usually we spend the afternoon at the beach. If we haven’t prepared dinner we go to Milk and Honey in Mullumbimby for pizza.

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